Government IT Tender Update for 2023

In this update, we'll be exploring the latest Australian government tenders and channel wins that have caught our attention.

Federal Government Tenders

  • The Department of Defence is seeking proposals from industry, academia, and government-funded organizations for researchers to work on quantum communication technologies.

  • The Australian Electoral Commission is seeking proposals to replace its payroll system, which is used to compensate over 100,000 temporary workers during federal elections.

  • The Department of Finance is seeking partners to join its GovCMS Drupal services panel.

State Government Tenders

  • In Western Australia, the Department of Education is seeking a complaints and investigation case management system.

  • The Royal Children’s Hospital in Victoria is looking to replace its identity management system with a solution that automates the termination of access to IT systems and facilities upon a change of status for a user.

  • In Queensland, the Department of Education, Training, and Employment is seeking a web content filtering managed service.

Tender Contract Wins

  • IBM Australia has secured a five-year, $725 million whole-of-government agreement with the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA).

  • Optus has won a $895,477 contract with the NSW Electoral Commission to provide Meraki hardware for I&TaaS.

  • Peclet Technology has secured a $1 million contract with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment to provide data technology solutions for circular economy initiatives across NSW.

  • NetApp has won a $3.3 million contract with Cenitex to provide Tier 2 storage as a service.

  • Kiandra IT has secured a $214,500 contract with Victoria Police to develop a scheduling tool for courses, sessions, instructors, classrooms, facilities, squads, and classes.

  • Outcomex has won a $101,667 contract to upgrade Box Hill’s two data centers and all of its wired and wireless network infrastructure across its five campuses.

  • Wallis Nominees has secured a $2.2 million contract to modernize Homestart Finance’s data warehouse, including providing business analysis, business intelligence design, development, architecture, and testing, BI deployment, and project management services.

By keeping up to date with the latest government IT tenders and channel wins, businesses can ensure that they are at the forefront of government IT procurement. Stay informed and seize the opportunities to work with the public sector. Contact us at Silicon Billabong to win your next Governmnet tender.


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