Are you receiving the R&D offset?

Learn how your company could claim $50k-$5m in funding.

Our Clients

Working with CEO of Rockcote for MIQ, to secure new funding for upgrades of machinery and implementing Industry 4.0

Working with AIRTEC Corporation Australia

Helping find new funding strategies to bring back production onshore to Australia.

  • Most Australian companies are not aware that they are eligible for sizeable R&D Funding from the Australian Government. They either haven’t heard of the incentive program or simply don’t know how it works in full details. At Silicon Billabong we are here to help guide you through the process so your company can receive the maximum eligible claim for R&D Innovation Funding.

  • We have worked for decades in Private Industry, helping Australian companies secure Government Funding at the Local, State and Federal Level.

  • At Silicon Billabong with our expertise in R&D over many decades, we can ensure your company receives the best claim, and that you get the funds you deserve.

Errol Kruger - Expert R&D Consultant

Making regular trips inside Federal Parliament to advocate for MADE IN AUSTRALIA. Advocating for a return to Australian Manufacturing and keeping I.P. at home.

Working with Walkinshaw, who took over the GM Holden plants, and now doing huge business globally with OEMs in contract manufacturing

Book Your Free Consultation on R&D Funding

Our R&D Funding Services

Discovery Consult

In our first meeting together, we will have our R&D Experts talk with you to discover whether your company is eligible for the ATO Offset Funding and how we work at Silicon Billabong so you are sure about all the processes, pricing and outcomes.

Funding Report

In this deep dive analysis we’ll go through every step to ensure we can find the maximum and most suitable claim for your company so you know exactly how much R&D Funding you could be receiving. We deliver the final report within weeks.

Final Submission

We will work with you hand in hand to write the reports and fill all necessary documentation to AusIndustry and the ATO. This step involves a lot of work and is best done together with our expert team of accountants and R&D consultants.